Using the most advanced tools of molecular biology to sift through the sands of the genome for a little gold.
Blood vessels have a hard life. Every time you put on shoes, the vessels in your feet get smashed and smooshed, for hours on end. And do they complain? Generally, not much. They bounce back and make do with the room you give them. All through the body, vessels are subject to the pumping of the heart, and variations in blood volume brought on by our salt balance. They have to move when we do, and deal with it whenever we sit or lie on them. Curiously, it is the veins in our legs and calves, that are least likely to be crushed in daily life, that accumulate valve problems and go varicose. Atherosclerosis is another, much more serious problem in larger vessels, also brought on by age and injury, where injury and inflammation of the lining endothelial cells can lead to thickening, lipid/cholesterol accumulation, necrosis, calcification, and then flow restriction and fragmentation risk.
Cross-section of a sclerotic blood vessel. LP stands for lipid pool, while the box shows necrotic and calcified bits of tissue. |
The best-known risk factors for atherosclerosis are lipid-related, such as lack of liver re-capture of blood lipids, or lack of uptake around the body, keeping cholesterol and other lipid levels high in the blood. But genetic studies have found hundreds of areas of the genome with risk-conferring (or risk-reducing) variants, most of which are not related to lipid management. These genome-wide association studies (or GWAS) look for correlations between genetic markers and disease in large populations. So they pick up a lot of low-impact genetic variations that are difficult to study, due to their large number and low impact, which can often imply peripheral / indirect function. High-impact variations (mutations) tend to not survive in the population very long, but when found tend to be far more directly involved and informative.
A recent paper harnessed a variety of modern tools and methods to extract more from the poor information provided by GWAS. They come up with a fascinating tradeoff / link between atherosclerosis and cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM), which is distinct blood vessel syndrome that can also lead to rupture and death. The authors set up a program of analysis that was prodigious, and only possible with the latest tools.
The first step was to select a cell line that could model the endothelial cells at issue. Then they loaded these cells with custom expression-reducing RNA regulators against each one of the ~1600 genes found in the neighborhood of the mutations uncovered by the GWAS analyses above, plus 600 control genes. Then they sequenced all the RNA messages from these single cells, each of which had received one of these "knock-down" RNA regulators. This involved a couple hundred thousand cells and billions of sequencing reads- no simple task! The point was to gather comprehensive data on what other genes were being affected by the genetic lesion found in the GWAS population, and then to (algorithmically) assemble them into coherent functional groups and pathways which could both identify which genes were actually being affected by the original mutations, and also connect them to the problems resulting in atherosclerosis.
Not to be outdone, they went on to harness the AlphaFold program to hunt for interactions among the proteins participating in some of the pathways they resolved through this vast pipeline, to confirm that the connections they found make sense.
They came up with about fifty different regulated molecular programs (or pathways), of which thirteen were endothelial cell specific. Things like angiogenesis, wound healing, flow response, cell migration, and osmoregulation came up, and are naturally of great relevance. Five of these latter programs were particularly strongly connected to coronary artery disease risk, and mostly concerned endothelial-specific programs of cell adhesion. Which makes sense, as the lack of strong adhesion contributes to injury and invasion by macrophages and other detritus from the blood, and adhesion among the endothelial cells plays a central role in their ability / desire to recover from injury, adjust to outside circumstances, reshape the vessel they are in, etc.
Genes near GWAS variations and found as regulators of other endothelial-related genes are mapped into a known pathway (a) of molecular signaling. The color code of changed expression refers to the effect that the marked gene had on other genes within the five most heavily disease-linked programs/pathways. The numbers refer to those programs, (8=angiogenesis and osmoregulation, 48=cell adhesion, 35=focal adhesion, related to cell adhesion, 39=basement membrane, related to cell polarity and adhesion, 47=angiogenesis, or growth of blood vessels). At bottom (c) is a layout of 41 regulated genes within the five disease-related programs, and how they are regulated by knockdown of the indicated genes on the X axis. Lastly, in d, some of these target genes have known effects on atherosclerosis or vascular barrier syndromes when mutated. And this appears to generally correlate with the regulatory effects of the highlighted pathway genes. |
"Two regulators of this (CCM) pathway, CCM2 and TLNRD1, are each linked to a CAD (coronary artery disease) risk variant, regulate other CAD risk genes and affect atheroprotective processes in endothelial cells. ... Specifically, we show that knockdown of TLNRD1 or CCM2 mimics the effects of atheroprotective laminar blood flow, and that the poorly characterized gene TLNRD1 is a newly identified regulator in the CCM pathway."
On the other hand, excessive adhesiveness and angiogenesis can be a problem as well, as revealed by the reverse correlation they found with CCM syndrome. The interesting thing was that the gene CCM2 came up as one of strongest regulators of the five core programs associated with atherosclerosis risk mutations. As can be guessed from its name, it can harbor mutations that lead to CCM. CCM is a relatively rare syndrome (at least compared with coronary artery disease) of localized patches of malformed vessels in the brain, which are prone to rupture, which can be lethal. CCM2 is part of a protein complex, with KRIT1 and PDCD10, and part of a known pathway from fluid flow sensing receptors to transcription regulators (TFs) that turn on genes relevant to the endothelial cells. As shown in the diagram above, this pathway is full of genes that came up in this pathway analysis, from the atherosclerosis GWAS mutations. Note that there is a repression effect in the diagram above (a) between the CCM complex and the MAP kinase cascade that sends signals downstream, accounting for the color reversal at this stage of the diagram.
Not only did they find that this known set of three CCM gene are implicated in the atherosclerosis mutation results, but one of the genes they dug up through their pipeline, TLNRD1, turned out to be a fourth, hitherto unknown, member of the CCM complex, shown via the AlphaFold program to dock very neatly with the others. It is loss of function mutations of genes encoding this complex, which inhibits the expression of endothelial cell pro-cell adhesion and pro-angiogenesis sets of genes, that cause CCM, unleashing these angiogenesis genes to do too much.
The logic of this pathway overall is that proper fluid flow at the cell surface, as expected in well-formed blood vessels, activates the pathway to the CCM complex, which then represses programs of new or corrective angiogenesis and cell adhesion- the tissue is OK as it is. Conversely, when turbulent flow is sensed, the CCM complex is turned down, and its target genes are turned up, activating repair, revision, and angiogenesis pathways that can presumably adjust the vessel shape to reduce turbulence, or simply strengthen it.
Under this model, malformations may occur during brain development when/where turbulent flow occurs, reducing CCM activation, which is abetted by mutations that help the CCM complex to fall apart, resulting (rarely) in run-away angiogenesis. The common variants dealt with in this paper, that decrease risk of cardiovascular disease / atherosclerosis, appear to have similar, but much weaker effects, promoting angiogenesis, including recovery from injury and adhesion between endothelial cells. In this way, they keep the endothelium tighter and more resistant to injury, invasion by macrophages, and all the downstream sequelae that result in atherosclerosis. Thus strong reduction of CCM gene function is dangerous in CCM syndrome, but more modest reductions are protective in atherosclerosis, setting up a sensitive evolutionary tradeoff that we are clearly still on the knife's edge of. I won't get into the nature of the causal mutations themselves, but they are likely to be diffuse and regulatory in the latter case.
Image of the CCM complex, which regulates response to blood flow, and whose mutations are relevant both to CCM and to atherosclerosis. The structures of TLNRD1 and the docking complex are provided by AlphaFold. |
This method is particularly powerful by being unbiased in its downstream gene and pattern finding, because it samples every expressed gene in the cell and automatically creates related pathways from this expression data, given the perturbations (knockdown of expression) of single target genes. It does not depend on using existing curated pathways and literature that would make it difficult to find new components of pathways. (Though in this case the "programs" it found align pretty closely with known pathways.) On the other hand, while these authors claim that this method is widely applicable, it is extremely arduous and costly, as evidenced by the contribution of 27 authors at top-flight institutions, an unusually large number in this field. So, for diseases and GWAS data sets that are highly significant, with plenty of funding, this may be a viable method of deeper analysis. Otherwise, it is beyond the means of a regular lab.
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