Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dangerous Memories

Some memory formation involves extracellular structures, DNA damage, and immune component activation / inflammation.

The physical nature of memories in the brain is under intensive scrutiny. The leading general theory is that of positive reinforcement, where neurons that are co-activated strengthen their connections, enhancing their ability to co-fire and thus to express the same pattern again in the future. The nature of these connections has been somewhat nebulous, assumed to just be the size and stability of their synaptic touch-points. But it turns out that there is a great deal more going on.

A recent paper started with a fishing expedition, looking at changes in gene expression in neurons at various time points after the mice were subjected to a fear learning regimen. They took this out to much longer time points (up to a month) than had been contemplated previously. At short times, a bunch of well-known signals and growth-oriented gene expression happened. At the longest time points, organization of a structure called the perineural net (PNN) was read out of the gene expression signals. This is a extracellular matrix sheath that appears to stabilize neuronal connections and play a role in long-term memory and learning. 

But the real shocker came at the intermediate time point of about four days. Here, there was overexpression of TLR9, which is an immune system detector of broken / bacterial DNA, and inducer in turn of inflammatory responses. This led the authors down a long rabbit hole of investigating what kind of DNA fragmentation is activating this signal, how common this is, how influential it is for learning, and what the downstream pathways are. Apparently, neuronal excitation, particularly over-excitation that might be experienced under intense fear conditions, isn't just stressful in a semiotic sense, but is highly stressful to the participating neurons. There are signs of mitochondrial over-activity and oxidative stress, which lead to DNA breakage in the nucleus, and even nuclear perforation. It is a shocking situation for cells that need to survive for the lifetime of the animal. Granted, these are not germ cells that prioritize genomic stability above all else, but getting your DNA broken just for the purpose of signaling a stress response that feeds into memory formation? That is weird.

Some neuronal cell bodies after fear learning. The red dye is against a marker of DNA repair proteins, which form tight dots around broken DNA. The blue is a general DNA stain, and the green is against a component of the nuclear envelope, showing here that nuclear envelopes have broken in many of these cells.

The researchers found that there are classic signs of DNA breakage, which are what is turning on the TLR9 protein, such as seeing concentrated double-strand DNA repair complexes. All this stress also turned on proteases called caspases, though not the cell suicide program that these caspases typically initiate. Many of the DNA break and repair complexes were, thanks to nuclear perforation, located diffusely at the centrosome, not in the nucleus. TLR9 turns on an inflammatory response via NFKB / RELA. This is clearly a huge event for these cells, not sending them into suicide, but all the alarms short of that are going off.

The interesting part was when the researchers asked whether, by deleting the TLR9 or related genes in the pathway, they could affect learning. Yes, indeed- the fear memory was dependent on the expression of this gene in neurons, and on this cell stress pathway, which appears to be the precondition of setting up the perineural net structures and overall stabilization. Additionally, the DNA damage still happened, but was not properly recognized and repaired in the absence of TLR9, creating an even more dangerous situation for the affected neurons- of genomic instability amidst unrepaired DNA.

When TRL9 is knocked out, DNA repair is cancelled. At bottom are wild-type cells, and at top are mouse neurons after fear learning that have had the gene TLR9 deleted. The red dye is against DNA repair proteins, as is the blue dye in the right-most frames. The top row is devoid of these repair activities.

This paper and its antecedent literature are making the case that memory formation (at least under these somewhat traumatic conditions- whether this is true for all kinds of memory formation remains to be seen) has commandeered ancient, diverse, and quite dangerous forms of cell stress response. It is no picnic in the park with madeleines. It is an all-hands-on-deck disaster scene that puts the cell into a permanently altered trajectory, and carries a variety of long-term risks, such as cancer formation from all the DNA breakage and end-joining repair, which is not very accurate. They mention in passing that some drugs have been recently developed against TLR9, which are being used to dampen inflammatory activities in the brain. But this new work indicates that such drugs are likely double-edged swords, that could impair both learning and the long-term health of treated neurons and brains.

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