Saturday, May 27, 2023

Where Does Oxygen Come From?

Boring into the photosynthetic reaction center of plants, where O2 is synthesized.

Oxygen might be important to us, but it is really just a waste product. Photosynthetic bacteria found that the crucial organic molecules of life that they were making out of CO2 and storing in the form of reduced compounds (like fats and sugars) had to get those reducing units (i.e. electrons) from somewhere. And water stepped up as a likely candidate, with its abudance and simplicity. After you take four electrons away from two water molecules, you are left with four protons and one molecular oxygen molecule, i.e. O2. The protons are useful to fuel the proton-motive force system across the photosynthetic membrane, making ATP. But what to do with the oxygen? It just bubbles away, but can also be used later in metabolism to burn up those high-energy molecules again, if you have evolved aerobic metabolism.

On the early earth, reductants like reduced forms of iron and sulfur were pretty common, so they were the original sources of electrons for all metabolism. Indeed, most theories of the origin of life place it in dynamic rocky redox environments like hydrothermal vents that had such conducive chemistry. But these compounds are not quite common enough for universal photosynthesis. For example, a photosynthetic bacterium floating at the top of the ocean would like to continue basking in the sun and metabolizing, even if the water around it is relatively clear of reduced iron, perhaps because of competition from its colleagues. What to do? The cyanobacteria came up with an amazing solution- split water!

A general overview of plant and cyanobacterial photosystems, comprising the first (PSII), where the first light quantum hits and oxygen is split, an intervening electron transport chain where energy is harvested, and the second (PS1), where a second light quantum hits, more energy is harvested, and the electron ends up added to NADP. From the original water molecules, protons are used to power the membrane proton-motive force and ATP synthesis, while the electrons are used to reduce CO2 and create organic chemicals.

A schematic of the P680 center of photosystem II. Green chlorophylls are at the center, with magnesium atoms (yellow). Light induces electron movement as denoted by the red arrows, out of the chlorophyll center and onwards to other cytochrome molecules. Note that the electrons originate at the bottom out of the oxygen evolving complex, or OEC, (purple), and are transferred via an aromatic tyrosine (TyrZ) side chain, coordinating with a nearby histidine (H189) protein side chain.

This is not very easy, however, since oxygen is highly, even notoriously "electronegative". That is, it likes and keeps its electrons. It takes a super-oxidant to strip those electrons off. Cyanobacteria came up with what is now called photosystem II (that is, it was discovered after photosystem I), which collects light through a large quantum antenna of chlorophyll molecules, ending up at a special pairing of chlorophyll molecules called P680. These collect the photon, and in response bump an electron up in energy and out to an electron chain that courses through the rest of the photosynthetic system, including photosystem I. At this point, P680 is hungry for an electron, indeed has the extreme oxidation potential needed to take electrons from oxygen. And one is conducted in from the oxygen evolving center (OEC), sitting nearby.

A schematic illustrating both the evolutionary convergence that put both photosystems (types I and II) into one organism (cyanobacteria, which later become plant chloroplasts), and the energy levels acquired by the main actors in the photosynthetic process, quoted in electron volts. At the very bottom (center) is a brief downward slide as oxygen is split by the pulling force of the super-oxidation state of light-activated P680. After the electrons are light-excited, they drop down in orderly fashion through a series of electron chain transits to various cytochromes, quinones, ferredoxins, and other carriers that generate either protons or chemical reducing power as they go along. Note how the depth of the oxygen-splitting oxidation state is unique among photosynthetic systems.

A recent paper resolves the long-standing problem of how exactly oxygen is oxidized by cyanobacteria and plants at the OEC, at the very last step before oxygen release. This center is a very strained cubic metal complex of one calcium and four manganese atoms, coordinated by oxygen atoms. The overall process is that two water molecules come in, four protons and four electrons are stripped off, and the remaining oxygens combine to form O2. This is, again, part of the grand process of metabolism, whose point is to add those electrons and protons to CO2, making the organic molecules of life, generally characterized as (-CH2-), such as fats, sugars, etc. Which can be burned later back into CO2. Metals are common throughout organic chemistry as catalysts, because they have a wonderful property of de-localizing electrons and allowing multiple oxidation states, (number of extra or missing electrons), unlike the more sparse and tightly-held states of the smaller elements. So they are used in many redox cofactors and enzymes to facilitate electron movement, such as in chlorophyll itself.

The authors provide a schematic of the manganese-calcium OEC reaction center. The transferring tyrosine is at top, calcium is in fuschia/violet, the manganese atoms are in purple, and the oxygens are in red. Arrows point to the oxygens destined to bond to each other and "evolve" away as O2. Note how one of these (O6) is only singly-coordinated and is sort of awkwardly wedged into the cube. Note also how the bond lengths to calcium are all longer than those to manganese, further straining the cube. These strains help to encourage activation and expulsion of the target oxygens.

Here, in the oxygen evolving center, the manganese atoms are coordinated all around with oxygens, which presents the question- which ones are the ones? Which are destined to become O2, and how does the process happen? These researchers didn't use complicated femtosecond X-ray systems or cyclotrons, (though they draw on the structural work of those who did), but room-temperature FTIR, which is infrared spectroscopy highly sensitive to organic chemical dynamics. Spinach leaf chloroplasts were put through an hour of dark adaptation, (which sets the OEC cycle to state S1), then hit with flashes of laser light to advance the position of the oxygen evolving cycle, since each flash (5 nanoseconds) induces one electron ejection by P680, and one electron transfer out of the OEC. Thus the experimenters could control the progression of the whole cycle, one step at a time, and then take extremely close FTIR measurements of the complexes as they do their thing in response to each single electron ejection. Some of the processes they observed were very fast (20 nanoseconds), but others were pretty slow, up to 1.5 milliseconds for the S4 state to eject the final O2 and reset to the S0 state with new water molecules. They then supplement their spectroscopy with the structural work from others and with computer dynamics simulations of the core process to come up with a full mechanism.

A schematic of the steps of oxygen evolution out of the manganese core complex, from states S0 to S4. Note the highly diverse times that elapse at the various steps, noted in nano, micro, or milli seconds. This is discussed further in the text.

Other workers have provided structural perspectives on this question, showing that the cubic metal structure is bit more weird than expected. An extra oxygen (numbered as #6) wedges its way in the cube, making the already strained structure (which accommodates a calcium and a dangling extra manganese atom) highly stressed. This is a complicated story, so several figures are provided here to give various perspectives. The sequence of events is that first, (S0), two waters enter the reaction center after the prior O2 molecule has left. Water has a mix of acid (H+) and base (OH-) ionic forms, so it is easy to bring in the hydroxyl form instead of complete water, with matching protons quickly entering the proton pool for ATP production. Then another proton quickly leaves as well, so the waters have now become two oxygens, one hydrogen, and four electrons (S0). Two of the coordinated manganese atoms go from their prior +4, +4 oxidation state to +3 and +2, acting as electron buffers. 

The first two electrons are pulled out rapidly, via the nearby tyrosine ring, and off to the P680 center (ending at S2, with Mn 3+ and Mn 4+). But the next steps are much slower, extricating the last two electrons from the oxygens and inducing them to bond each other. With state S3 and one more electron removed, both manganese atoms are back to the 4+ state. In the last step, one last proton leaves and one last electron is extracted over to the tyrosine oxygen, and the oxygen 6 is so bereft as to be in a radical state, which allows it to bow over to oxygen 5 and bond with it, making O2. The metal complex has nicely buffered the oxidation states to allow these extractions to go much more easily and in a more coordinated fashion than can happen in free solution.

The authors provide a set of snapshots of their infrared spectroscopy-supported simulations (done with chemical and quantum fidelity) of the final steps, where oxygens, in the bottom panel, bond together at center. Note how the atomic positions and hydrogen attachments also change subtly as the sequence progresses. Here the manganese atoms are salmon, oxygen red, calcium yellow, hydrogen white, and a chlorine molecule is green.

This closely optimized and efficient reaction system is not just a wonder of biology and of earth history, but an object lesson in chemical technology, since photolysis of water is a very relevant dream for a sustainable energy future- to efficiently provide hydrogen as a fuel. Currently, using solar power to run water electrolyzers is not very efficient (20% for solar, and 70% for electrolysis = 14%). Work is ongoing to design direct light-to-hydrogen hydrolysis, but so far uses high heat and noxious chemicals. Life has all this worked out at the nano scale already, however, so there must be hope for better methods.

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